Seventh Graders SHINE


       Good writing skills are important far beyond a student’s forty-seven minutes of English class!  We believe that it is the job of the entire seventh grade teaching staff to foster good written communication skills in our students.  Therefore, we’ve adopted cross-curricular standards that apply to the work our students do, and the standards are represented by the acronym SHINE:

S = Sentences must be complete!

H = Head your paper correctly!

I  = Instructions must be followed!

N = Neat workmanship counts!

E =  Exact spelling is expected!

     Because the nature of our assignments is different, we each apply the standards in a slightly different way.  In English class, for example, SHINE is put at the top of each homework paper.  For any problem area, the related letter is circled and an additional point is taken off the student’s existing score.  By being consistent in our expectations for written work, we hope to help our students to see that effective writing skills are a 1,440—not47—minute-a-day priority!

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