1 Determine
what the test will cover and organize all study materials.
child needs to know exactly what material a test will cover; chapters in the
textbook, class notes, homework assignments, etc. Your child will study more successively if he or she has
organized all the materials that will be covered on the test and has them
available for study.
2 Schedule
time for studying.
child needs to plan study time carefully to make sure enough time has been
allowed to prepare for the test. Break
down study tasks throughout the week. It
is better to study a little bit each day rather than to “cram” the night
before a test.
3 Use
effective study techniques.
The following study techniques con help your child study more effectively. Write
important information on index cards. A supply of 3” x 5” index cards should always be available at home. As your child studies, he or she should summarize important information and write it on index cards. Later, these index cards can be used to review for the test. Review
homework and class notes All homework and class notes should be reviewed before a test. It is helpful to underline or highlight important points. Review
study questions, from past tests and quizzes. It’s always a good idea to look over past tests and quizzes. They might give clues about what to expect on future tests. Did the teacher ask multiple-choice questions? True false questions? Essay questions? Was he or she interested on names and dates, or general trends? Make sure your child also spends time reviewing the study questions in the text book. These questions provide excellent review of the material covered. Make a
list of sample test questions. Have your child make a list of test questions that might show up on the test. Then have him or her prepare answers for these questions. Chances are, a lot of the questions will be given on the test. |