Seventh Grade Math

Enrichment Math

This year in math we will be going through at least 6 books. The topics throughout the year are algebra, geometry, number sense, probability, and using data.

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1st book (Variables and Patterns): Deals with looking for patterns and learning what variables are by using tables, graphs, and equations. Then they learn how to write and interpret data using equations.

  • Quiz 1 review and answer key

  • Quiz 2 review and answer key

  • Test Review and answer key

  • Another Test review and answer key

  • ADD notes

    • Notes for ADD #3: factors, multiplying and dividing by 10's, 100's, 1000's etc., converting hours, minutes, and seconds, multiplying decimals and long division.

    • Notes for ADD #4: probability

    • Notes for ADD #5: averages and equivalent fractions

    • Notes for ADD #6-7: prime, multiples, solving ratios with a missing number like 3/4 = ?/10, > or < (greater than or less than), adding time, types of angles, perimeter and area of rectangles, types of quadrilaterals, and multiplication tricks.

2nd book (Stretching and Shrinking): The second book gets into geometry with congruence, similarity, and using similarity in triangles to solve problems, and learning relationships between length and area. If the lengths of a triangle are 3 times as big then the area is that number squared as big or 9 times as big.

3rd book (Comparing and Scaling): The third book deals with ratios, proportions and percents. Students use rations to determine what the better deal is (5 for $4.00 or 7 for $6.00), and percents to compare things like if Wisconsin has a population of 5 mil. and NY has 18 mil., how many electoral votes should each state get. They also work with probability.

4th book "Filling and Wrapping": This book deals with geometry in the 3-D sense. Finding surface area and volume of rectangles, triangles, circles, rectangular prisms, spheres, cylinders, and cones.




5th book: 

6th book: This book deals with linear relationships. Here they work with equations, graphs, and tables again to understand patterns and we further discuss slope and y-intercept.

7th book: This book deals with probability, or the chance of something happening.  Students will look at some different games and study the probability of winning, as well as creating some game situations in which they have a better chance of winning.

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